
Our Reviews
Stephen Delbridge

The service for Driscoll Tree Service was outstanding. Michael came out to meet with me, explained the pros and cons of how to deal with my tree removal, and provided a clear quote for the service. The crew that came out to do the work was on-time, professional and did a great job. One of the trees they had to remove was tall and in a spot where they couldn't get any heavy equipment to it, but they were able to take it down in pieces without damaging my landscaping or fence. If you are looking for a professional and competent tree service,  I definitely recommend calling Driscoll Tree Service.

Jennifer Ray

Michael came out to evaluate some trees I had with a questionable fungus on them, and ultimately the course of action was removal for a select few. He got me an estimate for the removal within a matter of days. They had the most competitive prices out of the other estimates I got. Michael is a very knowledgeable Arborist and you can tell he is passionate about his work. He wasn't pushy at all about the removal like some of the other companies I had come out, and he advised me on doing it in "phases" to fit my budget. The actual tree removal and stump grinding itself was so smooth and all the workers that came with the crane and stump service were very professional and communicative about what the process was going to be.


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What is Anthracnose?

Trees enhance the quality of our environment, offering many benefits that improve the quality of life. However, they are susceptible to diseases, prompting the expertise of certified arborists. A common threat to these magnificent entities is anthracnose, a fungal disease that causes leaf spots, defoliation, and dieback. If you notice these signs in your yard, the Driscoll Tree Service can help. We provide pertinent information to help you understand anthracnose, its causes, symptoms, and management strategies.


Causes of Anthracnose

Anthracnose is caused by related fungi that thrive in warm, wet conditions and can infect plants through wounds or natural openings. The spores are spread by rain, wind, insects, and human activity, making it easy for the disease to multiply in favorable conditions. Overcrowded plantings and poor air circulation create the ideal fungi growth conditions, causing deterioration and tree removal emergencies.

Symptoms of Anthracnose


The symptoms of anthracnose vary depending on the host plant and the specific fungal species involved. Common signs include dark, sunken lesions on leaves, stems, flowers, and fruits. These lesions often have a water-soaked appearance and may be surrounded by yellow halos. Infected leaves can curl, wilt, and eventually fall off. On fruits, anthracnose can cause black, sunken spots that reduce the marketability and quality of the produce. Once you notice these telltale signs of infection, call a tree care company to quickly inspect, diagnose, and treat the disease.

Impact on Plants

Anthracnose can severely affect plant health and productivity. Repeated infections in decorative trees and shrubs can cause significant defoliation and reduced vigor, increasing susceptibility to stresses, diseases, and even tree removal. In crops such as tomatoes, beans, and cucurbits, anthracnose can cause substantial yield losses and affect the quality of the produce. Tree service professionals work with farmers and gardeners, mitigating the economic losses associated with infections through proven management practices.

Identification and Diagnosis

Identifying anthracnose involves examining the symptoms and considering the environmental conditions. Tree service experts conduct lab tests to ensure a definitive diagnosis, especially when symptoms are similar to other diseases. Professionals can identify the fungal species and recommend appropriate control measures to prevent an outbreak.

Management and Control

Managing anthracnose involves a combination of cultural practices, chemical treatments, and selecting resistant plant varieties. Property owners can conduct cultural practices like proper spacing of plants to ensure good air circulation, pruning to remove infected plant parts, and avoiding overhead watering to reduce leaf wetness. In addition, fungicides can be effective as preventive measures, but it is vital to follow the manufacturer’s instructions or hire a tree care company to address the problem. Consider integrating chemical solutions with cultural practices for long-term control.

While anthracnose is a challenging plant disease caused by various fungal species, arborists can pinpoint and address the disease before things worsen. By employing a combination of cultural practices, chemical treatments, and preventive measures, gardeners and farmers can reduce the impact of anthracnose and maintain healthier, more productive plants. Contact us at the Driscoll Tree Service and schedule a consultation with our experts to manage the disease proactively. This goes a long way to minimize the losses associated with this pervasive plant pathogen.

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