
Our Reviews
Chad Thibodaux

I was very impressed with how quickly and professionally they worked. They were in and out in an afternoon. They had to remove a giant Red Oak, and did so with great skill and speed. Their price is very affordable and beats out most of the competition around. I highly recommend Driscoll Tree Service. We will use them again for all of our future tree removal needs! Seriously, give them a call. They are awesome!

Karen Eddlemon

Efficient, Affordable, and Professional what more can you ask for in a company. I had a big tree in my yard that needed to be cut down. From the estimate from Michael and the actual job being performed by his crew, everything was satisfactory. Including the clean-up. They’re also licensed and insured so that made selecting for the job even more comfortable. I highly recommend Driscoll Tree Service for your tree removal.


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Identifying and Removing Hazardous Trees

Trees add beauty to your premises and improve the overall quality of the environment. While these magnificent entities provide many benefits, detecting and addressing risks posed by hazardous trees is advisable. Whether a tree is compromised by infections and infestations, damage, or structural problems, it can threaten the safety of your property and the ecosystem. Driscoll Tree Service is a reputable tree care company that can help you maintain a lush and healthy landscape, preventing damage and injuries. If you suspect a problem with a tree in your yard, seek professional help to ensure the right course of action. Here are signs to look out for that may require removal.


Visible Decay

 A dying or dead tree can go undetected for a long time. If you notice telltale signs like mushrooms, cavities, or conks growing on the trunk and branches, call a tree service expert quickly. Even if the tree is sturdy, decay weakens the internal structure, increasing susceptibility to breakage. Professionals can assess the severity of the problem to determine if the tree can be salvaged. In severe deterioration, tree removal is the most effective solution to restore safety without compromising curb appeal.

Leaning or Unstable Trees

Another reason to consider tree removal is when you notice leaning or instability. When trees lean precariously or expose their roots, it might be time to consider removal. Certified arborists can inspect the damaged tree and tailor a removal plan that suits your landscape and preferences. Although a leaning tree doesn’t seem dangerous initially, the risk of falling is high during storms. If preventive measures like cabling and propping are not practical, getting rid of the entire tree might be ideal.

Cracks or Splits

 Cracks on the trunk and branches are a sign of structural deterioration. Once you detect these signs, schedule an inspection with a tree care company. Experts can assess, diagnose, and address the problem before things worsen. In addition, working with tree professionals ensures you implement effective care practices and maintain healthy trees.

The Importance of Professional Tree Removal


Now that you know the signs of damage that may prompt tree removal, this invasive procedure should be handled by experts. Let’s look at the benefits of hiring an arborist to handle the heavy lifting. 

Safety Concerns

Removing a hazardous tree is a dangerous task that requires professional expertise. Arborists have the necessary equipment and training to safely remove trees without causing harm to people or property.

Proper Assessment

Tree service experts can accurately assess the health of a tree and determine the best course of action. They can distinguish between a tree that needs removal and one that can be saved with proper care.

Efficient Removal

Professional tree removal services ensure that the job is done efficiently. They have the equipment to handle large trees and can safely dispose of the tree parts, leaving your property clean and safe.

Preventing Future Hazards

Arborists can also guide you on maintaining the health of your other trees to prevent future hazards. They offer advice on proper pruning, pest control, and other care practices to keep your trees healthy and safe.

Identifying hazardous trees and removing them professionally is essential for the safety and beauty of your landscape. Contact us at the Driscoll Tree Service and schedule a consultation with our experts to ensure your trees remain an asset rather than a liability. Even if professional removal comes at a small fee, the safety and peace of mind it provides are worthwhile.

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