Trees are a valuable addition to any landscape; after spending a lot of time with them, you can tell when something is off. Some signs of damage can be detected easily, whether it’s a chunk of bark missing near the trunk, mold growth or brown leaves. However, the severity of damage is another crucial factor that is difficult to determine without the knowledge and expertise required. If you suspect your tree is not in the best condition, it may be time to contact a professional tree care company.
At Driscoll Tree Service, we have a team of well-trained and experienced arborists ready to help you maintain a healthy landscape throughout the year. Severe deterioration can be prevented if trivial signs are addressed early. Here are some key points to note when assessing if a tree is dead.
Property owners need to understand the difference between a sick and a dead tree. A sick tree can be salvaged if you intervene quickly, while it can still be preserved. Dead trees can’t be salvaged and pose a severe safety risk to everyone. In both cases, you must respond quickly and appropriately, hence the need to hire a trusted tree service provider for professional help.
Some common signs of a dead tree include mushrooms growing near the roots, dead branches that don’t have any foliage or bugs, cracks in the trunk, and peeling bark. These signs are easily observable and require immediate action to guarantee the safety of your premises. If you see any of these signs in your backyard, you need to call a tree care company as soon as possible.
One way to tell if your tree is dying involves scratching the surface of the twigs. A green and moist feel underneath the surface means it is still alive and can be salvaged. However, if the branch is brittle and brown when you scratch the surface, you need to consult a tree service provider. We can assess the surrounding foliage to determine the extent of damage and whether it can be salvaged.
Our professional arborists can conduct other tests that are more accurate to ensure the tree is dead before recommending a viable solution. You can rely on us to provide quality tree removal before you incur costly damages and safety hazards because of falling branches.
If a tree is still alive, but there are visible signs of deterioration, you must act quickly before it dies. Although you can take many DIY alternatives without the experience and standard industry tools, you risk further damage to your tree and home. The most effective solution is calling a professional tree care company for maintenance inspections. This allows us to assess, diagnose, and address issues before they cause irreversible damage.
Contact us at Driscoll Tree Service and schedule an appointment with our highly experienced arborists. Learn how to maintain healthy trees throughout the year and enjoy exceptional services without breaking the bank.
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